Powerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - PowerleaguePowerleague Chorlton High School South | Netball Leagues - Powerleague
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Kids Camp
undefined undefined
Kids Party,
undefined - undefined
Party Size:
10x Block Booking
Prices and times of camp vary depending on location. Book 5 days for the price of 4 at selected clubs.All add ons are subject to availability.
Terms and Conditions
Early drop off (from 9am)£NaN per child
Extra time (until 4pm)£NaN per child
Contact the club to remove this add on.
Prices and times of camp vary depending on location. Book 5 days for the price of 4 at selected clubs.All add ons are subject to availability.
Terms and Conditions apply.
Team Details
Team names are subject to Powerleague approval
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