A group of men playing soccer on a field at dusk. The man in a black shirt with colorful stripes on the back looks confused while a smiling man in a white shirt gestures towards him. More players, wearing red and white jerseys, are seen in the background, showcasing talent from local football leagues. © Powerleague

behandelen & vermijden van blessures

Builen en blauwe plekken, dat kan gebeuren tijdens het spel, en daarom zorgen we ervoor dat elke locatie een EHBO’er in dienst heeft, elk uur dat we open zijn. Onze speelvelden, terreinen en clubs worden ook zorgvuldig en regelmatig gecontroleerd op risico’s.


Four women in bubble football uniforms are gathered by the side of a field, taking a break. Two are standing and laughing, one is sitting on a bench looking down, and another has her back to the camera. They appear to be in a relaxed and cheerful mood. © Powerleague

Taking an EXTRA STEP

5-a-side football is an intensive activity and incredibly good for the heart. Never let that stop you from playing. But if the worst happens, all our Super Venues are equipped with a defibrillator. Ask the location manager where the defibrillator is located. You don’t need any training to use it. Acting quickly can increase the chances of survival from cardiac arrest by 50-75%.

For more information or questions, please contact your local club or send an email.